Your True King
Listen, No one is coming to save you! The true King has already came and only he will save you when he returns. So, informed with this knowledge and while awaiting patiently, seek wisdom. Seek understanding for ones self. I write this to inform you of something special and hidden inside of you. I know this gift is with you and meant for you to use for your life. I enjoy to share the love of the lord with you. This statement rings with the moto of our lovely Banfa. I don’t care if your one of our many visitors from around the world or a daily shopper for our house hold items and business needs, we love you and want you no matter where you are on your path to finding meaning in your life which is a gift from the Creator. Your King has made this earth for his pleasure so the mindset of gratitude and empathy creates a certain positivity towards your existence. I told a young man once that I’ve learned to be grateful for the bad too. I’m grateful for the normal life which for some isnt enough. I’ve also seen the darkness very close and have lived in chaos in the wars of my generation. The King of King, the righteous one and the only way to the Creator has given his passion for you and wants you know that you too can be saved. Simple put, he came for the sinner, the laws are created for the unrighteous to bring you closer to him before destruction, he has laid out in plain sight the gospel which is the truth of how even after he proved death wasn’t superior to his own power that will return for you and your generations. So today, serve him, today be his, today be what he wants of you. Your gifts can be released, ask Paul.