For you kid

I alright listen here kid the things that are not impressed upon you on earth is that our God is King. Since that is the case there is not too much else you really need to focus on besides service to your King, that service is simple, love! Love and have faith, hope and do not be a dirtbag!  Obviously, I summed it up simple. It is difficult to stay focused, but I found that some things are more difficult in the world, I found that things that sometimes give you happiness and seem like they are fulfilling you are just actually just digging the deepest holes for yourself to climb out of if you should ever choose to. Every single time I never forgot where I came from, I always remembered how I was raised as a kid. That never changed, even though I found that light very young. I still went through life. Blessed: I went through life having very difficult things to overcome, there was not times to where I did not face challenges that some men and women had just negate because of fear. But since my fear was placed in my God and God placed me onto this path to where it was for my own self enjoyment the whole time. I knowing this was doing it only for me and that was wrong kid. That part. That is where I found out how I could do better for not just myself but for others by being the best me and the best me was the service to him.  I love you kid.


Listen up kid, I do not know alright, no one knows, only he knows the future I can promise you one thing though; that knowing that he knows the future that is what keeps me sound asleep at night. That is what keeps me going every day. knowing that he gives me another day I know that because I love him and I feel his love too, there's times to where there's things that no one can explain and I realized it because I'm no longer looking at the box that they produced around me I'm looking at the box that he gave me and since I'm looking at it from that perspective I can realize how these blessings and understand how these things move from my own personal life and it's great kid. I love you. That is like the love that he has for me if that makes any type of sense, so I know as I go through this life even as I grow and as I watch you grow. I cannot change the fact that I do not know but I do know that he does so whenever you feel like you do not know just trust in the same thing that I do and that is him. I love you.


Every day that comes anew is always the one that washes away yesterday I don't want you to think for one second that there's ever a day or a tomorrow that you can't control because at any moment when you wake up because one thing hasn't changed that he that rules over everything has power still no matter how dark how there's more yesterday was just remember that you can do it today and that's how it starts and then you can control tomorrow because you just have yesterday to build off of I want you to think about how the earth is just moving and how people on earth have already lived there was not a single building built around you that just happened to instantly pop up there was there was no adult on earth that came as an adult every day then we move that we are allowed to breathe the breath of life we have the ability to do right by ourselves the world cannot judge you only he can just know that.


Listen here kid the heart of man is evil the reason why animals’ mammals and other creatures on the earth R products of their environment kind of like man but drastically different due to the fact man knows evil. Since man knows evil mankind has been doing evil things fur ever since that's the case I will not want you to be foolish in the world because I didn't warn you I want you to know that the people that love and care about you or sometimes the ones that may hurt you because the world is evil I promise as I live I will never hurt you kid I promise as I breathe to my last breath it will always be to protect you. know this, that no matter what; The Lord thy God is in haven and the Angels that watch over you are the ones that protect you always and forever. I love you kid.

You are not going to be able to find the answers you are seeking until you seek him.  

All glory to God. I'm going to tackle this Monday with the sounds of the waking Earth. #MondayMotivation

Posted by Joshua Hammer on Monday, February 22, 2021

Remember once you lost everything ,you have nothing to fear.


The Stolen item