The Stolen item

The Stolen Item

No matter where you begin this journey, one must start at the coast and as you board your small ship to journey across this ocean’s perils, realize this that everyone takes it not knowing where it ends. The rough seas of battling days and nights of loneliness is how it starts. That is what sets the eyes on the horizon of tomorrow and tomorrow is what you are looking for. As the beautiful hope of the new days dawn gives its light to the coast of a warm shore will always find your site. The coasting to its warm embrace, its light smooth graceful sands is just where the hard part of your journey begins. You'll fine the journey to one's heart starts with a long barren desert to where the days seem so hot, so sweaty you're so thirsty, that stops, and kills a weaker person but because of your journey you pressed through till the night. The night is so cold in the desert that the water freezes, and the moon turns its embrace to the animals that now find you at your weakest moments and you still find nothing to embrace you but your path to love. The end of 1's journey through this desert is to a thick forest with no light coming in.  moon light ponds is the only Crescent that one finds you, the only reprieve that you have now is knowing you're no longer alone,  the animals that surround you in this forest you can't see and you don't know all they want, is your fall into their webs and their snares set out by the creatures on this path not knowing your true drive, you don't care this forest is dark even when the day should shine you find no light. All dark things or just the absence of light though you press through that glimmer that  comes from no sight and you see it and your journey is still just beginning at the end forest is a is a thick swamp to whether you realize your choice is to dive in and press through and peril what lies deep or the Coward and a shield with nothing but darkness behind you and so you cringe at peril ahead you, but didn't come this far just to get this far through the swap you go of the moving creatures below you the pulling of mud at your feet is a non-stop push as you just clean off the residue from your past journey through what you don't even know what you went through to find a Cliff this Cliff is a straight uphill battle between you and you. Every hand placement in every foot placement as you go against yourself against the earth's gravitational pull, you move slow and diligent but now your focus is on your end which is nowhere in sight. The opening of The Cave on the Cliff wall smells of fire’s brimstone but you know this is where your path leads the deep winding cave snakes and rats every step a danger fall or pit trap you narrowly navigate it's darkness to a dark wall well you think you found your end because there's no light and nothing else but in the very corner you see what you've been looking for this whole time you run to go grab it it's a chest and you open it empty with a note that says Josh Hammer took his heart out of fear and hid it somewhere else,  good luck! 

“The secret is in My World” is all the note reads.

The story of my Heart  

By, JJ HAMMER 02/22/2021

This the first Version before any revisions.

All glory to God. I'm going to tackle this Monday with the sounds of the waking Earth. #MondayMotivation

Posted by Joshua Hammer on Monday, February 22, 2021

For you kid


Finish when your done, not when you’re tired.